Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Trip to Philadelphia 11/16 - 11/18

Ja went to Philly to work the weekend 11/16 -11/18 so Vin and I tagged along. On Saturday we went to the aquarium with some of the gal cousins. We had a blast. Here are a few pics from the day.
My favorite pic!

Group shot - you can kind of see Philly in the background
(Lori & Christina, Dia & Vin, Mary & Ariel, Jenn & Carter)

Vin enjoying the hippos

Cutie Christina checking out the hippos.

If you are wondering why so many pics of hippos. I left my camera at the hotel and Mary's camera died shortly after the hippo exhibit.


Anonymous said...

I looove the hippos. So cute! That first one is a magazine shot. loove it.

Autumn said...

That hippo is definitely eyeing you guys! looks like you guys had a blast!

jdangello said...

Yes, I love the hippo shot as well. MJ took that one and I set it as my background on our computer so it looks massive. Gave Jason a scare when he unsuspectingly opened the computer one morning to find a huge hippo staring at him.

Anonymous said...

HAHAHA! I love that hippo story Dianna.