Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Our 11th Anniversary!

1/17 - Ja and I were able to slip away for the night in celebration of our eleventh anniversary. Jason's Mom came and watched the kids and we had a great time. We took the train downtown and stayed at the Omni William Penn. Very, very nice.
It was refreshing just being Jason and Dianna again for a little while. We felt giddy as we walked around downtown without strollers and diaper bags and that night as we sat and talked at the hotel bar it was exhilarating.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Photo Session with the boys and other pictures

Waiting for storytime to start at the local library.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Luca Trying to Talk


Last week Jason was away on business and Jason Mom's came over and spent the night with us. It was so nice to have company and Vin really bonded with her. He asked for "G-Mom" many many times after she left.

Vin enjoying story time with Grandmom or "G-Mom" as he calls her.

Watching the garbage truck a favorite Wednesday pastime.

Isaac and Vin exchanging Christmas gifts.
Let's see what's been going on here.... Luca is doing splendidly. I shake my head as I write this because he is such a GREAT baby. He rarely cries and when he does it's because he's hungry or tired. At night he only wakes when hungry and then he grunts and as long as we respond within 10 minutes or so he doesn't cry. Because of his pleasant disposition it has been a faster bonding process and I'm just really enjoying him. In fact, I keep telling him to stop getting so big but he doesn't listen.

He had his two month appointment last week and weighed 11lbs 8 oz and was 22 3/4 inches long. He is the picture of health. Though sadly, the doctor noted that he is showing early signs of asthma. Grr.... It's too early to tell for sure so we'll have to wait and see. At least this time around we'll know what to expect and can begin treatment early to avoid the trauma poor Vinnie had to go through during our months of asthma denial.

We took Vinnie to his asthma doctor for a follow up and the doc said he is nearly under control and maybe in the next few months we can reduce his daily med dose. We haven't had to give a rescue treatment for the past three week, that is, until last night. The good news is he responded very quickly to the treatment unlike the past and is doing fairly well this morning.

I just read an article this past week that said the number of asthma ER visits for children in Pittsburgh is 4oo% higher than the national average. They know it has something to do with the air quality but are not exactly sure how it translates to the higher asthma rates. The decided to launch a extensive five year study to try and figure out how to reduce asthma rates in Pittsburgh children. Just in time to be no help to our kids. :)

Anyway, Vin is just a bundle of fun these days. He's talking more and more and has even started singing some of his favorite songs. I say singing very loosely here because it is mostly just talking and then followed with a very flat monotone note. But it's beautiful to my ears. On Monday all on his own he sang Twinkle Twinkle Little Star to Luca. Luca loved it and was all smiles. I'll have to try and capture him singing on video.