Sunday, August 15, 2010

Autumn, Ada, & Isla Come for a Visit

Grandpop Gum (Autumn's Dad) given his grandgirls a ride

Mama and Papa Gum with all the kiddos. Sure wish this picture hadn't turned out so blurry!

Isla (1yr), Vin (3yrs), Ada (3yrs), Luca (1yr)

My bestest pal from high school, Autumn, and her two little girls came for a visit in July. It was simply incredible to have that time with her, Ada, and Isla. I didn't get many pictures because lately I have been seriously slacking in the whole picture taking thing. We were additionally blessed to have Autumn's parents, or as I call them Mama and Papa Gum come over for brunch on Saturday 7/11.

Autumn made an incredible journey from CA to Michigan to visit Michael (her hubby)'s family for a week or two, then flew in to NJ to spend a few days with us and then she was off to spend a few weeks with her folks in S. Jersey. And all of this while she was 20+ weeks pregnant with her third child! Girl, I give you the "Super Traveler Crazy No Fear of Flying on an Airplane for 5 Hours By Yourself with Two Kids While Pregnant Mom Award."

Autumn - All of us were blessed by your effort. Thank You! I cannot wait till the next time.

4th of July Fireworks!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Trip to NYC - 7/3/2010

So in May we had Grandmom and Grandpop Allchin over for dinner and we were all sitting around the table talking when Grandmom Allchin mentioned she really wanted to take a trip to NYC and have dinner at Carmines (a place we've been to several times in years past as a family). We all agreed it sounded like a great idea and so we planned it for the end of May but the weather did not agree with our date. So we tried again 4th of July weekend and we had an awesome day!

We took the ferry from the Atlantic Highlands into lower Manhatten. After checking out a few of the sites we took a cab up to Times Square where we stumbled upon the Toys R Us store. The kids were in heaven! Finally, we made our way over to Carmines and enjoyed an nice kid friendly dinner time of 2:00. It was such a wonderful day!