Thursday, November 29, 2007

Mother of the Year

Yesterday was a banner day (if I was being cruel I would say it was a Britney Spear's day but I'm pulling for her so I'll leave that out). I locked my keys and Vin in the car in the garage of our apartment building. Then last night during his bath Vin lunged forward to grab at the silver stopper and fell face first in the bath water.

He handled both like a champ. Fortunately, I had a spare key for the car in the apartment and management had a spare key for the apartment so Vin was only locked in the car for 15 minutes. When I came back with the key he was in his car seat playing. Once he saw me though he gave me a good fuss and then was over it. As for the bath incident. I quickly grabbed him out of the water, he spit out water and then struggled to get back down into the bath. And what is the first thing he did? Yep, tried to lunge forward again, but this time I caught him.

So after this traumatizing day I decided to work on his moving independently skills. Warning this video is 1 minute long and not packed with action. I will spare you the "I Try" song this time but it will make a re-emergence in future videos.


Anonymous said...

Oh my word Diana! You poor thing. What a day. I'm glad YOU survived. Of course, Vin will. He's a kid...they're resilient.

Anonymous said...

Hey, between posting comments your blog changed. Where are you getting your templates from? I like them. I tried to get one from a site and it didn't work. Something about my widgets on my existing site. Sigh...

Autumn said...

Wow! So glad you both made it out of that day unscathed! Ahh the joys of motherhood!

jdangello said...

This is the website I use
The only problem with these templates is that if you want to use them they delete all of your page extras like your link list, your slideshows, tickers, etc. So that's why it gives you that widget warning first. It's just a warning and you can bypass it by clicking on the "save and continue anyway" (or it says something like that) button, but then you will have to re-enter all of your widgets. Fortunately, I don't have many so it's not a major issue. If I knew better how to write HTML code I could find a way to delete that part of the template code but alas I do not have the skills.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the scoop on the templates. Lemme know when you get some mad skills and rewrite a program to accomplish all that we need in the blogging world.
You rock!