Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Let the mimicking begin!

Sometimes when I'm on the phone Vin will pick up his toy phone and pretend that he's talking. I was on the phone with Autumn when I took this picture.


Lori Mlynarski said...

This is adorable and speaking of phones the other day, we were in NY, Christina calls it "Beaver Pond". She sat on the edge of the couch, crossed her legs up on the coffee table, picked up her play phone and said, like she was talking to Ariel......"Hi Ya Ya, I at bee pond, daddy, mommy, dog. It was stinking adorable. Let the fun begin, before you know it Vincent will be talking sentences!! Love Lori

Anonymous said...

Very cute, indeed. However, just be careful as that mimicking trick can come back to bite you. NOT that I would know, but it's what the experts say.

Autumn said...

Awww yes... and so it begins! He is just too adorable! BTW- I totally see you in this pic - Di. :)

Anonymous said...

Yes, Autumn we too see Dianna in this totally adorable pic. Too cute I must say not that I biased or anything.

Dad Mitchell