Saturday, April 12, 2008

10 Week Ultrasound

So we got to have yet another ultrasound because the doctor couldn't find the heartbeat via doppler during my appointment on Thursday. I was thrilled to get to see the baby again and this time I got a bit of a show. The baby's little arms, legs and body were wiggling all over. The technician let me sit and watch for a bit and it was awesome. The heartbeat is strong and the baby is growing well. They did discover my uterus is tipped back which is why they were unable to hear the heartbeat via doppler. Usually this corrects itself by the end of the first trimester.

Her is the pic of the growing guy/gal.


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear the heartbeat is strong on my neice/nephew. Your uterus is tipped back?? What did have to many drinks. Yikes better you than me.


Anonymous said...

So happy to hear everything is well. It's going by so fast! The ultrasounds are the coolest I wish we could all watch for a long time. When they move around its the most amazing thing to watch espeically when you can't even feel it happening. what a beautiful thing and a beautiful mama! Love, MJ

Autumn said...

wow! what a difference from the last u/s pic! it's so beautiful to see the progression of such a miracle!!!

Lori Mlynarski said...

Such good doctor's to do an ultrasound right away and ease your mind. Thank you for sharing the pictures. Love Lori

Anonymous said...

How cute and small our new Grandchild is! Continue to grow little one, Mom Mom and Pop Pop are eagerly awaiting your arrival.

Anonymous said...

Oh my WORD!!! This picture is so precious!!! I am so glad to see my new little niece or nephew. I just love those little arm and leg "buds"... and so strong too, during your wiggly show:) Love you, Sis! p.s. give Vin a squeeze and kiss for me!