Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Great Grandparents Come for a Visit

My Grandmom and Grandpop Allchin drove from NJ to visit us for the weekend. Thankfully we had wonderful weather and were able to get out and see some of what Pittsburgh has to offer. It was such a lovely weekend.

Grandmom and Grandpop enjoying the city view

Vin hanging with his new sibling. As you can see from my death grip on him and his cranky face, he did not want to stay put for this picture. Look who has an opinion all of the sudden!

Checking out the fountain with the great grandparents. Not sure about the over spray.

I love this picture!

You have to click on this picture to enlarge it so you can see the sheer delight on Vinnie's face. He is so pleased to be carrying around his Dad's soda.

After being chased off our porch but angry bumble bees Grandpop went out and got some wasp spray and proceeded with a full fledged offensive.

Great Grandmom teaching Vin the Mexican Hat Dance

"What is she doing Mom?"

"Okay, now I get it! This is fun." (see video below where Vin tries the dance)


Anonymous said...

These pictures are so cute (like always) but vinny's facial expressions are adorable!!!! He really shows what he is feeling on his face!! I remember how cute this stage was but very on my toes too!!! You look great! 12 weeks mama! Love, MJ

Anonymous said...

I LOOOVE the photo of Vin and my growing niece or nephew! Can't wait to see that belly in person in a few weeks:) I must be honest and say that I also appreciated this photo for the tense grip you had on Vin's shoulders; thanks for pointing that out because it gave me a good laugh:) So glad you had this time to share with Grandmom and Grandpop; I know they love grandbabies:) Andrea