Saturday, April 5, 2008

Asthma, Indeed

So we received our official diagnosis on Wednesday - Vin has asthma. As you may recall he was flagged for it a few months ago but it was too early then to tell for certain. Well, on Tuesday Vin started getting a little cold. On Wednesday I picked Jason up from work in the city and on the way home Vin started crying and pulling at his ears. This means either he's teething or has an ear infection (or has figured out that pulling at his ears gets a major reaction from his parents). Anyway, we popped into the doctor on the way home to have his ears checked. We've let ear infections go with him before and the results are nasty. So the good news is that he didn't have an ear infection but while he was there he started wheezing and his respirations became very fast.

Unfortunately, this has been a normal occurrence as of late. In fact, he's had three "colds" since February and with each one he's had wheezing, distressed breathing, and coughing fits that have required us to give him breathing treatments. So anyway, the doctor said she was concerned and had his pulse oxygen level taken and his respirations measured. The results were not good so she insisted on giving him a breathing treatment in the office. After the treatment they took his measurements again and they came back perfect.

Then the doctor sat down with us and said at this point, with having six respiratory illnesses and two ear infections in the past six months and having asthma attacks with each one, he is most certainly an asthmatic and that it's time to consider a preventive approach vs. the rescue treatments we've been using. She prescribed a daily breathing treatment which is a inhaled steroid called pulmicort. We can still use the rescue treatments during attacks but the steroid is supposed to prevent the attacks. So far he's had one treatment and we've still needed to use the rescue treatment on him every three hours (including in the middle of the night!).

I think we are going to take him to see a specialist because we are not thrilled with him being on a daily medication when he only has attacks when he's sick. Though the doctor pointed out that he's sick so much because his lungs are always inflamed and the steroid takes down that inflammation.

We have a lot of questions floating around our heads. So are these colds or just prolonged asthma attacks?? How can we figure out what his triggers are to cut down on the attacks? Who knows, but I'm hoping we'll get some answers next week when we have a follow up appointment with his pediatrician.

The good news is that for the most part he takes the attacks very well. In fact, the doctor said he is what is known as a "happy wheezer" - where unless they are in severe distress they just wheeze and go about their business happy as can be.


Anonymous said...

I am very sorry to hear that news.
Paul & Frances have the most experience with Gabriel. There are different things that may set this off as well. The blog photo's of laughing with the dog to eating cup cakes face first are so cute. We were so happy to see Carter too!
Please keep these coming, I know that at times you need a break so feel free to take one, not to long thou.

lisaqshay said...

hey guys...sorry to hear about Vin. Poor little guy. There are alternatives to medicine out there. if you find a holistic (i know, sounds koo koo) doctor out there, perhaps you could strike a happy medium. we've had lots of progress with allergies through chiropractic care. I've been off allergy meds for seasonal affliction for about a year now and just do chiro care.
just a thot...

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear my nephew is falling in line like his aunt panda. I think fortunately he will grow out of it as that tends to be what happens when its found in children. I pray he will not suffer his whole life with it.
Everyone is different when it comes to allergies. He may only be affected by a few things. As apposed to chemical,weather,environmental, ect. Please don't hesitate to call and ask me any questions. I'll offer you what i know and do to steer away from the evil nebulizer machine. Kiss my sweet nephew on the head and tell him panda can relate. Love and miss you guys

Anonymous said...

Our prayers are always with you. So sorry t ohear about all the distress. It is better to try to get to the bottom of this now so it will be worth all the research and stress. When you can finally feel vin is taken care of. Right now its up in the air with lots of questions but the only one who can answer and ease the tension is the Lord. I pray he gives Vin health and you parents strength. May God continue to bless you with a beautiful family! Love you so much. Love, MaryJane

Anonymous said...

hey gellos! Jason and I have finally caught up on all the latest info & activities of the Angello family we love so much. I posted a few other comments on some favorite spots, but just wanted to let you know that we'll be praying God guides your steps with Vin's health situation. We got just a small peek at what you go through when we came for his b-day and it certainly was scarey and heartbreaking for our little guy. We'll be praying, so keep us posted! Give Vin a BIG hug and kiss for us! Love, Andrea

Autumn said...

Ohh... I'm so sorry to hear that Vin is dealing with this. I'm thankful knowing that he has the best parents who will find the best solution for him. Michael and I will keep you two lifted in our prayers for wisdom where it comes to his future treatment.

Much Love!
The Shaws