Saturday, December 29, 2007

Play Date!

Yes, I started doing play dates with some of the moms from our Gymboree classes. Yes, I who always made fun of play dates as being a cliche suburban mom activity, have embraced play dates as a great way to get to know other moms and to have the kiddos socialize. Vin was the only boy but he didn't seem to mind.


Anonymous said...

Hee hee - love the sarcasm - yet you muddle through and do what a great mom's gotta do. Bravo, Chica.

Get in there and share your favorite quiche recipes... sip that Starbucks mocha latte frappychino (and now I'm spellingly challenged!!), and sub-blurb with the best of them - while your son gets in some great socializing AND learns how to hold his own with the ladies. Love, love, love it!

The Gum Mom

Autumn said...

Wow! What a little ladies man! How cool Di that you are getting out there with your lil' heart breaker - hee hee...