Saturday, December 29, 2007

Museum Day

We went to the Carnegie Museums of Art and Natural History today. Vin enjoyed pointing to everything that caught his eye which was a LOT of things. He just started pointing a week or so ago and now he can tell us what's piquing his interest. Here are a couple of pointing action shots and other museum moments. We bought a annual membership which gives us free entrance to all four Carnegie Museums. Hey, I have to do something to keep myself busy now that I gave up my part-time job.


Anonymous said...

Woah, Vinster! Giant skeletor thingys sure do make a guy want to point and point, eh?! Well done, little buddy :-D Sooo cute to see that look of wonder - like "what on earth is going on here?"

Great parenting, you guys... keep up the amazing adventures!

Love and hugs,

Autumn said...

That looks like sooo much fun! I love seeing him pointing around at everything!!! Boy- i really need to take Ada some culturally relevant experience now too. Thanks for the ideas!

Happy New Years Eve!!!