Monday, June 25, 2007

Vin's 4 month apptmnt

Vin's had his 4 month appointment on Friday. He weighed in at 14lbs 8 oz and was 26 1/2 inches tall. He did such a great job charming the nurses and doctor, that is until the shot tray made it's appearance. Poor little guy, his entire body jolted when the first shot hit him and by the second one he was screaming. He only cried for a minute but then was clingy the rest of the day. He had a slight fever that night but felt much better by Saturday morning. Ja and I enjoyed the cuddle time since these days it's rare to be able to hold him without him squirming around and wanting to play.

The pediatrician encouraged me to start giving him fruits and veggies since he's been doing so well with cereal. So I made my first batch of baby food. I started with plum puree and his reaction was priceless. He shuddered and grimaced after every bite. I guess the plums were a little tart. This morning I mixed them with a bit of cereal and this was received better, but still not enthusiastically. I wish we took video of those first few bites, but I'm sure this is not the last time we'll see this kind of reaction.

Here's what he's been up to recently: grabbing at toes and feet, has developed an adorable Ernie laugh, has begun babbling, grabs at Mom's hair or necklaces with a death grip, loves kicking water everywhere during bath time, is tolerating tummy time, bringing everything he can get his hands on up to his mouth (fortunately this is not very many things since his hands still don't cooperate with him very well), NOT rolling either direction.

On Sunday we left him in the church nursery for the first time. I think we had a harder time with it than he did. When we came to pick him up he was doing great and loving all the attention he was getting from the nursery workers. Good job Vin!


Anonymous said...

no picture of Vin in an outfit? this blog is going downhill... FAST!


jdangello said...

I thought I would let you take a his pic tonight since I know how much you LOVE taking pictures.


Autumn said...

Yay! What a sweet surprise to see all these posts this morning! I'm so glad to read all about what is going on! 14 lbs 8 oz and 26 1/2" long! WOW! Way to go Vinzy! And starting plums! that is soo cool that you made your own. :)

Yes, Jason we are looking forward to seeing some more pics from you! Dia- thanks for letting us know all you guys are up to. Tolerating tummy time - that's awesome!

Autumn said...

Oh yeah... Congratulations on making it through your first service with him in Nursery! That is soo huge - especially the first time. Michael and I still love racing to get her after service. But it is such a blessing to hear the messages now. Way to go you two! Way to go Vin - Gold Star for you!!!