Monday, May 24, 2010

Trip to Pittsburgh: 5/12 - 5/14

On our way!

Spending time with his old pal Isaac. While Amy and I enjoyed some chatting time upstairs these sweet looking boys found the finger paints and made their own works of art in Amy's basement.

Kid's playing with Mr. Tim (Isaac's Dad) outside

Boys enjoying the view from our hotel room

Tea with Ms. Helen! How wonderful to see Ms. Helen again. I so miss our Wednesday morning tea time.

Relaxing in the hotel room after a long day

Heading to Aunt Missi's and Uncle Jodi's house

How, Jodi, and Jason chatting while the boys look for bugs

Aunt Missi bug hunting

Lexi and Vin

Lexi and Luca

Savannah, Lexi and boys

Jason chatting with Lexi

Jason and How

Mouth full of cookie that Aunt Missi so lovingly supplied. Aunt Missi always has the best treats!

Heading home!!

1 comment:

Lori Mlynarski said...

"heading home" where is the picture of Mommy and Daddy doing the same?