Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Too Much Bouncing Fun

I've been trying to cut Luca down to two naps a day from three. It's a pain in the neck to work around a three nap schedule and he's been waking up at 5:30 in the morning. I mean, if the guy is taking three naps for a total of 5-6 hours a day then of course he get's up at the crack of stinken dawn!! These pictures were taken just before lunch time. I cut out his morning nap and he was not a happy guy so I put him in the jumper which is something he loves. He was a happy jumping baby until everything got quiet. I went to check on him and this is how I found him. Face down asleep in his jumper. As soon as I woke him up, did he cry? Nope. He just gave me that sad look you see in the bottom picture and started jumping again. He has such a sweet spirit.


Autumn said...

Oh my word! that just cracks me up! He is soo stinking cute!

Andrea said...

Oh my WORD!!!!
This is sooooo cute!!!!
What a great boy:)

Mitchell said...

I am reporting this episode to the department of child services...

Mitchell said...

Build those muscles up...getem ready for some football.

Momofboys said...

too funny! i love how some babies can fall asleep ANYWHERE!!

Lori Mlynarski said...

What a sweetie pie, I would have kicked you in the shins :-) hee hee!! Waking me up woman, what is your deal. Christina still wants her own LUCA baby, he just lights up everyone's life he touches that one!! Not that Vincent does it, Luca just does it in a different way! Love you all!!