Monday, April 6, 2009

My New Hobbies and a Dear Friend

So I've taken up two new hobbies - sewing and arranging faux flowers. Last month we purchased my first sewing machine and a nice sewing table. Unfortunatley, I have ZERO sewing skills/experience/knowledge so it's going to be a slow process of learning. The first time I sat down to use the machine I broke the thread three times and ended up bending the needle. However, last week I successfully finished my first real project - a table cloth.

Close up of table cloth

And the flower thing - well, I guess it's in my blood. My Mom having been flower shop owner and very talented floral designer must have rubbed off on me. I know what you're thinking - silk flowers are tacky. I thought that too until I found the new generation of faux flowers - The Real Touch flowers. They look and feel incredibly real - no fabric flowers here. If you want to join me in my mania here is a link where you can check them out They are very hard to find and it took many weeks of searching to find a place where I could purchase them online withouth business tax id. Last week I got my first Real Touch flower and am in love. Here is a picture:

I made the table cloth and flowers below for Ms. Helen who is a 88 year old women from our church that we visit on Wednesday mornings. We meant Ms. Helen through our church's "homebound program" that ministers to elderly members who don't have immediate family and can no longer attend church because of medical issues.

It was two Easter's ago when we first met her. Vin and I brought her a Easter Lily from the church and then we started visiting her once a month which turned into every two weeks and now every week. Every Wednesday morning we go over and Ms. Helen has tea made for she and I and cupcakes or some other delicious treat ready for Vin. Making the tea is no easy task for her but she delights in doing it and refuses to allow me to help.

I have been so blessed by her. What a surprising and wonderful source of friendship and companionship she's been.

She simply adores Vinnie and Luca. Vin always greets her with a very excited hug and kiss. Sometimes I'm afraid he'll knock her over but when she sees him she just beams with delight. He tells her all about his week (usually complete nonsense sprinkled with a few words here and there). A few weeks ago, without any one's prompting he told her he loves her. That just made her day.


Autumn said...

Wow Dia! What a beautiful tablecloth and floral arrangement! Such a thoughtful gift for Ms. Helen. How sweet to hear how your friendship has developed over the years. She must have loved them! :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, Honey! I fell in love with that floral arrangement the first time I saw it after you finished it! (I even threatened to put in my car if you turned your back.. lucky for Ms Helen that you didn't turn your back on me ! xo) and the material you picked was fabulous ! You are such a special, talented, wonderful girl I can't wait to see what you do next !! (um...isn't my birthday soon ??)

Anonymous said...

When Dia was young we lived next door to a nursing home and we would go over and visit. One elderly lady took to Dia and me and we took her to church all the time. Thinking of those days, I did'nt realize what a long term effect it would have. The boys, loving Miss Helen really touchs me. Dia, you go girl on those flowers, I have never seen such beauty's. Love Mom Mom

Anonymous said...

Di, Wow I am so happy for you, I knew this talent was bundled up in you. Sewing and Floral arrangements isn't that fun. Its fast and beautiful. Can light up someone's day. Watch out you'll be doing Weddings before long!! What are your prices for a red rose arrangement, very popular!! Don't forget your profit!! Ha, Ha, (no really!)

Momofboys said...

Dianna that table cloth is wonderful especially for your first project!! And the do they look real!! I'll have to pass that along to my MIL...she has enjoyed floral arranging for many years now and is very good at it. And it's so sweet that you and the boys go visit Ms. Helen each week. It may seem like a simple act for you but I'm sure it means the world to her! It's not material things that we are blessed by it's the lives we touch and those that are touched by us.

Andrea said...

That tablecloth is AMAZING! I'm so impressed... esp because I have minus zero sewing abilities:) And the flowers are SO beautiful!! I'm going to check on that brand that you mentioned. Madilynn enjoyed the picture of them too. She was pointing saying "ooohhhh flowers".
And as for the visits with Ms. Helen... truly, these are the kind of ministries most of us overlook but I believe are most important to the Lord... I believe He will surely say, "Well done, Dianna. My good and faithful servant"

Love you, Sis. Please call us soon. We're trying desperately to reach you this week!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful Dianna! I love the updates and I am glad you have new hobbies. Its a learning process but its great to do these things being home with the kiddos. The tablecloth and flowers looks wonderful. I am excited about the move for you but hope you are feeling better as well. I keep the family informed on the updates that I see and we are constantly praying for you and the mitchells. These blogs/websites are great and we always check them and fill the family in whenever we can. Lots of hugs and kisses to you this holy week and I hope you have a Blessed Easter! Love, The Sprague's xoxo

Flood Family said...

That is so cute and the table cloth is very pretty. So sorry to hear about your most recent challenge. It sucks constantly being sick. Hope better feeling days are ahead for you guys.