Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Speeeeelunking on Labor Day!

Well not really but we did go walking through a cave and had a darn good time doing it. Vin seemed pretty indifferent to the process until we hit the part of the tour when all the lights were turned out so we could appreciate the complete darkness of the cave. Vin did not appreciate the complete darkness and added some noise to the experience for our tour group. When the lights came back on all was well and he went back to la la land of indifference.

In other news I took a part-time nanny position. It is for a little boy who is the same age as Vin. His parents are both attorneys and are very nice people. Today was my first day and all went well. The little boy is adorable and Vin seemed to enjoy the company.


Autumn said...

Yipeee! What beautiful pictures. Are there caves in Pittsburgh? That's awesome- the view is gorgeous!

Happy Birthday Miss Angello! Where is the post about your b-day, hmmm, hmmm...

Congratulations on the new job! I'm really looking forward to hearing all about how Vin and his new buddy are spending their days. Keep us posted!

Mitchell said...

What? No pictures of my nephew free climbing? I hope all is well you look great. Mucho lovo to you.