Friday, March 23, 2007

Ideals be darned!

So Vin loves watching TV. Danget! We discovered this about two weeks ago when we noticed he was purposefully turning his head towards the TV. In fact, he actually lifts his head and pushes up on his arms in order to see the TV during tummy time. It's the only thing he will do this for. Stupid TV. I wish kids didn't like it so much, but he will watch it transfixed for about ten minutes which gives me a nice little break in the middle of the day. So out goes the new parent ideal of "No TV ever! Only books and educational toys"; along with many of our other new parent ideals (i.e. no pacifiers, no bottles, no crying etc.).

Here is a pic of the little guy watching. I actually stepped in front of the TV to take this pic and he gave me some heck about it until I got out of the way.


Autumn said...

LOL! That's hillarious!

Ada was the same way... we noticed her turning her head to the tv after about a month too... Amazing how they are just so transfixed by that darn moving picture show!

I say, if it gives you a tiny break during the day- than hooray for that!

BTW... Vin is just tooo adorable with that expression! I just want to smooch those precious little cheeks! Such a cute outfit too - and what a good momma you are getting him all dressed for the day- I didn't start getting Ada out of her pjs until this past month... :)

jdangello said...

Yeah, well he is only in an outfit because he has outgrown most of his PJ's and I didn't have any clean ones to put on him after his bath. I need to get out and go shopping for him. I can't believe it but he his too big for most of his 0-3 month outfits. Actually, they fit him except for the length. He's just too long. He actually fusses when I put him in his pj's that have footies attached or his sacks because he can't stretch is legs out.

Autumn said...

Awww... growing out of those clothes already! Yay, welcome to the club! Ada is wearing 12 - 18 month clothes already!!! I've found the dang 100% cotton ones shrink all the time. Hope you can get out shopping for more pj's soon. :)