Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Mitches Come for a Visit

Mitch (my brother) wrestling with his girls and Vinnie

Kiddie Pool Fun

Getting in a quick run

From Left: Mark (my uncle), Paul (my Dad), Grandpop Allchin, Grandmom Allchin, Jason and Mitch

Jason and Mitch having some kind of serious conversation

Grandpop Allchin helping Luca back in the pool. Luca is not so sure.

Jason and Vin

Madilynn so sad because no one wants to come play in the pool. Everyone else got out when their teeth started chattering.

Dad and Luca

Jason and Vin

Dad and Mikayla (Mitch and Andrea's oldest daughter)

Dad and Mikayla

Jason reading the kiddos a story

Luca reading a book

Aunt Andrea reading Luca a book

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