Sunday, July 18, 2010

Vin's First Trip to the Movie Theater

On 6/25 Vin and I went to see Toy Story 3. Vin was enthralled and we both really enjoyed our time out. Here is a picture I managed to snatch before getting scolded by the movie theater employee who does not appreciate flash photography during movie previews. How is Disney to further promote their evil plans to take over the world if others in the theater are being distracted by my flash?

Vin's End of Year School Play

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Mitches Come for a Visit

Mitch (my brother) wrestling with his girls and Vinnie

Kiddie Pool Fun

Getting in a quick run

From Left: Mark (my uncle), Paul (my Dad), Grandpop Allchin, Grandmom Allchin, Jason and Mitch

Jason and Mitch having some kind of serious conversation

Grandpop Allchin helping Luca back in the pool. Luca is not so sure.

Jason and Vin

Madilynn so sad because no one wants to come play in the pool. Everyone else got out when their teeth started chattering.

Dad and Luca

Jason and Vin

Dad and Mikayla (Mitch and Andrea's oldest daughter)

Dad and Mikayla

Jason reading the kiddos a story

Luca reading a book

Aunt Andrea reading Luca a book

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Cousin's Day at the Animal Kingdom Zoo in Jacksonville

Group Photo
From top left:
Dianna, Jenn, MaryJane,
Luca, Vin, Scarlette, Carter, Christina, Ariel

Kids chasing down the terrified ducks

Still chasing the poor things

From left to right: Christina, Ariel, Vin and Carter

Trying to pretend I'm not completely grossed out by having this Giraffe's tongue all over my hand just a few minutes earlier

Ewww.. gross... Giraffe tongue

Our attempt at getting a group photo.

Luca taking a dive off the bench

Probably the best we got. From left to right: Vin, Christina, Scarlette, Ariel and Luca. Carter was not into taking a group picture

Nosey Giraffe: "Hey guys can I be in your group picture?"

Mary being brave and touching the nasty tongue

Jenn, Scarlette, Vin, Christina, Ariel and MaryJane

Boys tired out after a morning of fun

Kids being distracted by the giraffe peeing in the background. I mean common you stupid giraffe I'm trying to get a picture here. Look you can see he's doing it on purpose. See him looking me right in the eyes while he's going. "Heheee, try to get a picture now with my giant distracting stream of urine coming down in close proximity to your children."