Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Vin Entertaining Luca in his Crib

I was busy doing something so when I heard Luca making noise in his crib after his nap I thought I would let him roll around a bit while I was finishing up whatever it was I was doing. When I finally went to get Luca I found Vinnie standing on his stool talking to Luca in his crib. So precious. He actually brought his stool up from downstairs all by himself so he could reach Luca. He also put a lot of "toys" in the crib for Luca to play with, including the air freshner from the wall. Hey, at least he was trying.


Unknown said...

Woah, just think of the $ you could save on babysitting?! :-D


Thanks for the smile on my face and in my heart those photos just provided...


Momofboys said...

reminds me of my two older boys when they were little...they kept each other was very nice for me to get things done too! your boys are precious!!

Lori Mlynarski said...

Luca is finally getting to an age where Vin is interested in him? Or maybe it's Vin that's maturing, probably both. They look so grown up, how I miss them and you. Love, Lori