Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Health Update - Our Hope is Built on Nothing Less...

Well, I'm happy to report that the new medication regime seems to be working. I've had no major anaphalaxis attacks or episodes and have not had to use my epipen since the last dreaded incident in May. And so for now I've been given the clear to avoid more aggressive treatments like chemotherapy. As long as I don't have any more major episodes I'm cleared from doctor visits and tests until my next bone marrow biopsy which will probably be in October.

I still have rough days - usually two or three a week. The hardest thing for me is to take it easy on those days. I have to deprogram my nutso mind to just lay low. I'll admit I still don't do that and I usually end up paying for it. Sitting still just isn't in my nature but learn I must. I think for awhile I was so relieved that I'm not in the later stages of the disease or staring down Leukemia and facing imminent death that I just wanted to shake off all that happened in April and May and go back to being Dianna before the diagnosis.

But now I'm settling in that this is something I'm going to have to fight for the rest of my life. Jason's Mom who has Lupus shared something with me that she tells herself on her rough days when you just don't feel like getting up; "Suck it up and put on your big girl panties!" I just love that! It's both humorous and encouraging. I'm fighting to keep a hold of the lessons that God has taught us through all of this. I pray that we keep relying on him and not on ourselves. It's such an easy thing to slip back into as daily life numbs.

My hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus' blood and righteousness;
I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
But wholly lean on Jesus' name.
On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand;
All other ground is sinking sand.

Goodness, I love that hymn!!!

Vin's asthma has been flaring up again. He's had a tough week. Currently, he's getting four breathing treatments a day. Two of which are a half hour long each. It's a lot to ask a little guy to sit still for that long; while he doesn't like it he has been handling it very well. It is hard to watch him struggling to breath and to see him struggling. Jason was up a good portion of the night Sunday giving Vin treatments as he slept. The good news is that we were able to avoid having to go to the ER and he FINALLY seems to be coming out of it. Our tough and sweet boy!

Louie is doing great and is such a delight. This week he started waving hello and even signed "more" back at me. Of course, he has no idea what the sign means but he is quite a good mimicker.

I'm so excited that we are moving in two weeks!!! Jason will be working out of AIG's (no snickering) lower Manhattan office and we found a cute place in Matawan, NJ. It is about an hour drive from family in S. Jersey and about hour and half commute for Ja via train. The great news is that the house is within walking distance to the train so he doesn't have to contend with the crazy train station parking issues.

That's all for now. Hope everyone is well.



lisaqshay said...

Glad to hear the health updates. God is so good, isn't He? how exciting that you're moving to NJ! God is faithful to keep Jason employed during these rough times. I'm sure He has him there for a special reason other than mere provision.

Hope you get some help packing so you don't wear yourself out!

Momofboys said...

I'm so happy to hear that your condition has not worsened and that the medication seems to be working. Keep trusting as you have been and I know that God will be there to supply that so needed strength you need each day to take care of your little men. And God will continue to journey with you on this road. I pray it all goes well with the move. Love ya!

Andrea said...

SO glad to hear all the positive news, Di! I miss you all so much! Please give the boys a hug and kiss for me:)
I enjoyed the hymn and hearing what God has been teaching you most of all:) He seems to do just what it takes in each of our lives to get us to the place of totally surrendering our lives to Him and His will, doesn't He? The kind of surrender that says: My life is NOT mine to live for my own purposes; I am merely a vessel that you've chosen and how humbling a thought that is!
Love you, sis! Hope and pray to see you soon!
p.s. and thanks to my two girlfriends, Lisa and Claud, for continuing to check on my sis AND give encouragement through your comments. you two are truly keepers;)

WayDownInTexas said...

Glad things are going better! We will pray that living with this problem gets easier and easier.

Wish we were there to help you move!

Those two boys are sure growing! How can they get any cuter!

Take care,

Debbie, Zach, and Dana

Flood Family said...

Wow Diana just when I think I'm having a tough day your attitude with all your going through can put things in perspective. I'm glad you guys are able to stay strong. Hope Vin's feeling better.