Sunday, May 31, 2009

Trip to NJ! Home again - Saturday, 5/23 Jason's 32nd B-Day

On Saturday John and Andrea threw us a BBQ so we could catch up with all the family. Even though Jason made me promise not to tell anyone it was his birthday, they remembered and had a small birthday celebration for him. Andi made him a cake and all the cousins pitched in to get him a generous gift card to Lowes. At the end of singing him happy birthday Vin put his arms around Jason's neck and said "Happy Birthday Daddy!"

Let the festivities begin!

Ariel, Matthew and Peter

Patty and Scarlette

Paige and Skyler

Boys playing horseshoes

Baseball Game with the wee ones

This is where things get interesting. Watch as Ariel and Matthew descend upon Peter to get the coveted wiffle bat from him. As Vin looks on.

Just insert yelling and screaming and you will get the moment.

Watch and learn Vin.

Watch and learn.

Poor Peter is now on the ground.

Don't you love how instead of intervening I'm taking pictures.

Andi and Skyler


The Men's Table!

Julie and Louie

Patty and a bundled Scarlette

Everone playing a little wiffle ball

Singing Happy Birthday to Jason

Trip to NJ! Home again - Sunday, 5/24

Sunday Morning Visit to Grandmom and Grandpop Allchin

Waiting for the Delanco Memorial Day Parade to start

Get me out of this thing!!

Walking down to the parade

Bath Time!

Louie and Sklyer

Just look at those eyes!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Last Day of School. Thank you Ms. Beth and Ms. Karen!

Flower arrangements for Ms. Beth and Ms. Karen that Vin helped pick out the flowers for. And by helped I mean these are the flowers that he did not throw out of the cart while I was shopping at Michaels. :)

This past Thursday was Vin's last day in his Mom's Morning Out program. I think I am still in mourning. Not only did Vin enjoy his morning playing with his friends but I enjoyed having Thursday mornings with just Luca and I. I usually took the time to run what I call, Toddler Free Errands, which are significantly easier than Toddler and Baby Errands where I usually spend most of my time chasing after, scolding, entertaining or pottying Vin. Luca usually just sits in the cart and watches the show. And the show must go on... today I'm heading to the post office with the both of them. Fun times sure to ensue.

Having Fun with Isaac

Last week we went and hung out with Amy, Isaac and his baby sister Anna.

Isaac was so excited to show Vinnie his truck and have Vin ride with him. Sadly, this was not to be since Vin was terrified of the truck. He enjoyed the truck from a distance and got a kick out of watching Isaac drive all around but he wanted nothing to do with getting in. Maybe next time Isaac...

Luca and Anna "playing" together.

Vinnie looking on as Isaac expertly maneuvered his truck out of the mulch bed after getting stuck.