Thursday, March 19, 2009


It's 2:25 a.m. and I'm up with yet another migraine. They are back and they are back with a vengeance. In fact, last week I had a terrible migraine that lasted for several days. It was so bad I initially thought I had the stomach flu because I was getting physically "ill" all day. Thank goodness, Jason's Mom and Sister came down to help out with the kiddos.

These headaches are far more sinister than any I've had before. When they get really bad I have to give in and take a Vicodin which used to work superbly and now is just barely dulling the pain.

On Friday I went to see a neurologist who put me back on my old migraine med that I had to go off of during pregnancy. Though they say it's safe to take while breastfeeding, I'm not thrilled with the idea. But at this point I have little choice. I can't function as a Mom (or as a human being) with these headaches coming as frequently and intensely as they are. The neurologist, a old school cranky old man, asserted that I should stop nursing since that could be agitating my migraines. I pushed back and told him I wanted to keep nursing. But as I'm sitting here in the middle of the night with my head throbbing I'm thinking maybe it's time to give it up. We shall see. Maybe I'll give it a few more days...


Enough on the brain pain stuff. Vinnie is fully recovered from his bout with pneumonia and asthma and ear infections. I don't think I posted it on here but after being discharged from the hospital he ended up getting even more sick than he was when he was first admitted. It turns out he had a strain of pneumonia that was not responding to the antibiotics he was on and once we got him home it got worse and that made his asthma all the worse. Well, you get the idea. Finally, after what felt like an eternity of him struggling we found a antibiotic that worked and he started recovering.

That was quite the experience for us. I can't even imagine what Vin was going through. It felt like no matter what we were doing he was still struggling to breath and that was so scary. As dramatic as it was for us the asthma dr's have told us it's quite common for a child with asthma like Vin has to be hospitalized several times a year with pneumonia and the like. Quite common! What the?? I think they were trying to make us feel better by saying that or trying to set our expectations. I'm hopeful, however, with our new asthma action plan we can avoid it getting that bad again. I also think as Vin gets older he will be able to better vocalize when he's struggling so we start treatment earlier.

He is such a delight that kiddo. I just love the stuff that he comes up with now. Yesterday he asked if we could put Luca in timeout because Luca was crying. I wanted to say "I know. It's getting on my nerves too." But of course I gave the parental answer that Luca is a baby and babies cry and they don't get timeouts yet because they don't understand...bla bla bla.

Luca is getting so big. I can hardly believe how fast the time is going by. I felt like with Vin I was so anxious for him to grow up and start doing fun things and with Luca I'm just trying to enjoy every moment of his babyhood. At his four month appointment he was 14lbs and off the charts for his height (can't remember the measurement) He is delightful little guy that loves to engage people with his smiles and cooing. Oh, and I am very excited to report that he is sleeping through the night! And what a wonderful thing that is.


Jason is doing well. With all the news surrounding AIG he's been quite busy at work. The stress is heavy at times but he is handling it well. It looks like he will be transferring AIG's home office in New York City this summer so we will be moving to north Jersey! I'm very excited. Excited for Jason because it is a huge opportunity for him and excited because we will be closer to family. I'm also nervous because north Jersey is a complete unknown to me. We have so much work to do between now and then trying to research and find a good place to live.


Momofboys said...

Hi Dianna, so sorry to hear of your migraines coming back so bad =( The only person I know is my BIL who gets them just as bad if not worse. And I'm sure having two little ones it is awful. God please touch Dianna so that she can be the mother she needs to be for her boys. And thanks for the updates on the boys, it's neat to see how they are growing =)

Unknown said...

Oh Dia, I'm really sorry these nasty migraines are hitting you so hard. Thank you for filling us in on this. I'll be praying you find relief soon.

I'm relieved to hear Vin is doing better. He is such a big kid now. Wow! You are doing such a great job with them. Luca is such a sweet pea! I love his bright smile. :)

I'm soo excited to hear about the move to North Jersey! Can't wait to visit you guys whenever we get out there next. Yippee Skippee!

Take care of yourself girl!
xo tum

Anonymous said...

I am so sad and frustrated to hear about your migraines!!! Any new updates on triggers? (btw, if you need to give up nursing sooner than you wanted... do not let yourself feel guilty! they say the first few months are the most important, so relieve yourself of the migraines if possible so you can be free to enjoy him... while feeding him something else:)
I must say that Vin and Luca are truly more adorable than words can say, and I ache with missing them. I cannot believe Luca has turned 4 months already!
And as for Jello's job situation, I'm sorry that you'll have to move yet again, but am thrilled you'll be closer to where we regularly visit each year;) We're not doing any big moves that I know of, so if I can come help, just let me know!
Love ya, Sis!

Anonymous said...

Angellos we are so glad to hear that vin is doing better, however I am sorry about your migraines. WHen they mentioned nursing i bet that is a huge trigger but its not fair for you. I hope you feel better and the news of moving is exciting and overwhelming. You are troopers at it though! Job stress, kids, breastfeeding, moving, asthma attacks, are so busy, but I know you would't have it any other way. These are your blessings each and every one no matter how hard it gets the Lord will always shine through. Love you all. Love, MJ and family xoxo