Friday, December 19, 2008

My First Outing with the Boys

My little guys sleeping in the car. Look how angelic. Who would guess the heck that would follow just a few minutes after.

Two Friday's ago I decided to brave the elements and take the boys to the Science Center. After the Science Center I went to Jason's office to introduce Luca to his co-workers. I think the thing that surprised me the most is how long it took me to get ready. I had to breastfeed Luca, clean up a "deposit" Vin made on the floor while I was breastfeeding Luca, dress Vinnie before another such accident, then chande Luca, pack Vinnie's lunch, pack the diaper bag, make breakfast and then feed Vinnie, pull the diapers out of the dryer and stuff them so I would have enough for later that day, and then it was time to feed Luca again. ARRGH! We finally made into the car and both boys fell asleep on our drive there. So when we got there I sat in the car and watched the snow fall while they slept. It was actually quite nice to be able to just sit and enjoy the complete ,silence for 4o minutes.

The peace quickly faded. Once Vin woke up we headed into the museum and our first stop, as always, was the bathroom so Vin could use the potty. I plopped him on the potty not really paying attention and before I knew it there was a arch of urine going everywhere. I forgot to push down his you-know-what when I sat him on the potty. His clothes and jacket were soaked and there was urine all over the bathroom floor. At this very time Luca decided to have a blowout. After cleaning up the urine mess and trying my hardest to keep Vin from running around in the urine puddles it was time to change the disaster Luca had made.

Vin choose this time to start running in and out of the stalls and invading the privacy of all in the bathroom. Oh my gosh, I was so embarrassed. There was little I could do to stop him since Luca was buck naked, crying and covered in pooh on the changing table. It's like Vin knew I wouldn't be able to stop what I was doing to give him a timeout or spanking so my threats fell on deaf ears. Before having kids I remember seeing moms out in public frantically yelling at their offspring and I would just smirk and think I would never be like that. Well, in that bathroom I had become that very woman. Finally, I got the idea of bribing him with a lollipop. He succumbed to the temptation and I was able to get him to sit on the bathroom floor while I finished changing Luca. 25 minutes and one very long lecture to Vin later we emerged from the bathroom. The rest of our trip was a lot fun.


lisaqshay said...

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! rest assured, my dear friend, you're not alone. I'm sure we can ALL retrieve stories equally as horrifying from our child rearing times. I know for sure, i most certainly can. However, at the moment I can't come up with one. Part of my defense mechanism to maintain partial sanity with 3 boys is to quickly FORGET everything embarrassing that happens. *grin*

Momofboys said...

LOL!!!! Ditto!!!! And we're not laughing at you Dianna...we're laughing with you!!! And I agree with Lisa, we suppress those awful moments so we don't lose our minds!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness Dianna. This sounds like a movie. That is so funny!!! It is very frustrating right now but your doing all the right things. you have to together girl even when you think you don't. trust me you do. big kuddos to you for taking them out and being such a great mom. We are so happy and proud of both of you guys. Have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Love you xoxo, Love, MaryJane

Anonymous said...

"Your momma told you there be days like this, your momma said." That old song is what I would sing, when I had days like that. It was good that you had 40min to re-coup before all that happened, glad the rest of the day was fun. Wishing I could be there. Jason with his three kids, that's the way I will picture him now! keep up the good work guys. Love to all, mom

Flood Family said...

That's so funny. My life is like that everyday since I've had two of them. I love when people share these stories... I think maybe I'm not the crazy one, it's the kids.

Anonymous said...

My dearest Di - OHHHH, the HUMANITY! (of babies, toddlers, and their precious patient moms!)
'Tis a wonder any of us make it into adulthood alive when we think of what we ALL put our moms through (you just KNOW the dads were NEVER around for "those" very "special" times) :)
Anyway - great writing, there, Chica - and you know I know great narrative writing! I laughed so loud reading this I almost woke a napping Isla on her mat nearby and Autumn came from the back of the house wondering what all the commotion was...
Wonderful stuff (and the memories it brings back!). Hang in there - in only 20+ years the house will be dreadfully peaceful and orderly again, and you'll long for the chaos - AND then they'll come stay for the holidays (Yay! :-D!)
All our love and continued prayers for you, Jay, Vin, and Luca.

Momma Gum (and Pa Lee)

Lori Mlynarski said...

Too funny, thank you for sharing that with us. The pictures make everything seem so perfect and peaceful, but everyone has those moments YEAH!! Love you sweetie, Merry belated Christmas. God bless. Love Lori