Monday, November 3, 2008


Hi everyone! Luca is an absolute ANGEL baby so far. Since day one he's been sleeping at 4 to 4.5 hour clips at night, breastfeeding like a pro, and has cried maybe five times since being home and no longer than 30 seconds each cry. I do not exaggerate here. I seriously have never seen such a content baby. In fact, he is so content I was a little concerned about his lack of crying but the doctor says he's perfectly healthy. We've caught him lying awake in his bassinet just looking around, cooing, wiggling, and smiling (sure it's just gas but it's still nice to see). Sometimes he will give a little fuss at the end of a diaper change or at the end of his bath, but it is by no means a cry and it is the sweetest little fuss - more like a grunt. I have no idea where this child came from but we are just waiting for it all to change. And it very well could - we'll see. Jason's Mom says he was like that as a baby so maybe he got it from Dad.

Vin on the other hand has been quite a handful. Last week was rough with him throwing tantrums and not wanting anyone but Daddy. In fact, until yesterday he didn't want much to do with me or the baby. It didn't help matters much that he got sick and then had asthma issues AGAIN shortly after the baby was born. He is doing a bit better now so I think we'll be okay when Ja goes back to work tomorrow.

I think my recovery is going well. It's still painful to move around but that's normal for a c-section. Hopefully, by the end of the week I'll be more mobile. I really miss being able to rough house and run around with Vin. :(

Mom has been such a huge help and we are so thankful for her. In fact, she's downstairs right now making my favorite recipe of her's: bean soup. Smells so good!

So cranky

Helping Dad with the lawn


Autumn said...

First of all... You guys make the most adorable kids. That Luca is just a sweet little angel there- i just want to kiss to little kissing pad cheeks of his!

Second of all... We had very similar issues with Ada- the tantrums, the whining... I had to really start disciplining again and then it got better. It's still a struggle. Every day i have to choose to be consistent and more determined than her! yikes!

Third of all... What is this Bean Soup and why haven't you ever made me this?! It sounds yummo! Enjoy and keep getting better Dia!

Thank you so much for updating the blog - such a treat!

Momofboys said...

oh my goodness Dianna he is a precious baby boy! it takes time for the older sibling to adjust especially when they are so young like Vin...i remember those days with my boys but it passes and before you know it you'll be running around with him again!

that's great that your mom is staying with..what a blessing! please tell her i said hello and thanks for these wonderful pics of your sweet boy:)

Lori Mlynarski said...

Aww he's precious Dia and it sounds like he has the personality to match. Great job sweetie, thanks for all the pic's.

Unknown said...

Hi, Di! I've been checking in regularly AND praying. Just love your humor and honesty. How beautiful Luca is, and how personable Vin is. I love his expressions. [He's just bound for greatness with that strength of will - no pushover, that one :-D!] And such an amazing mom you are, hanging in there, researching out the wazoo ...seeking solutions - listening to peers. Jason is such a great dad - so "hands on." I am blessed every time I check in. And my heart aches to help - to chuck my job and come babysit and give you guys a break for pete's sake!

Anyway, you're in terrific hands with your mom now. Hope she's there a good long time...
BIG HUGS and tons of love,
Your other mom in Jersey,

Mom Gum

Anonymous said...

O my goodness !! We are so blessed that it is overwhelming !! How grateful we are for the safe delivery, Di's continuing health, and Daddy and "Man Child" are too precious ! Bless your Mom's heart--she is a trooper to help you out! THANK YOU to all of you for being the awesome family that you are ! can't wait to see y'all !?!