Wednesday, February 27, 2008

We surrived!

It started Monday night and we are now emerging from the darkness. The STOMACH flu hit our house with a vengeance. Not sure what we ever did to the stomach flu to make it so angry at us but it was. Vin was cranky all day Monday and by Monday afternoon I started feeling queasy. By 5:00 p.m. I put a SOS in to Jason to leave work and come home as soon as he could.

Unfortunately, on his ride home Jason was struck with the very same nasty sickness. Fortunately, Vin didn’t get the full blown stomach flu we did. Ja and I were up all Monday night together. Sleeping on the couch, on the bed, on the bathroom floor - commiserating about how terrible we felt. Talking about how we can't remember the last time we felt so terrible. You know just generally whining and complaining. Tuesday was a bit better and today we finally feel somewhat functional.

Before this year Ja and I have been pretty healthy people. Maybe, an occasional cold but nothing close to what we've had this year. A few experienced parents have laughed at us and told us that this is what happens when you have kids.

Well, at least flu/cold season is almost over.

I have some great pictures from Jason's Mom and Sister's visit last week and will post them soon.

1 comment:

Autumn said...

Oh man! I'm soo glad you guys are coming out of it. I remember when Michael and I got food poisoning together... leaving us very much the same way you described- ugh! it's the worst when you are both going through it, not to mention when the little one is sick too! ugh! Thankfully it sounds like you are making your way out of the Perfect Storm.