"Driving" Aunt Missi's van up to see Pop-pop
Tough guy Vin and Aunt Missi
Last Sunday was a scary day. It started out as a normal Sunday and was actually my 30th birthday. Interestingly we did the bulk of birthday celebrating on Friday so Sunday was just going to be a rather low key day for us. We got a call in church saying that Jason's Pop was in a motorcycle accident and was being airlifted to the hospital. A truck coming from the opposite direction made a left turn right in front of him. Obviously, the driver of the truck didn't see him. So scary. Could have been a horrible, horrible accident.
Naturally, Jason went right over to the hospital fearing the worst. It took him hours to find out what was going on. The surgery drug on for eight hours before they got word of what was going on. Thankfully, he didn't suffer any life threatening injuries. However, he does have some serious injuries to his right leg and left wrist. He had to go through another very long surgery on Monday and is facing the possibility of additional surgeries.
He was released from the hospital on Thursday and so we went up to visit him today. He was looking tired but seemed to be in good spirits considering. We are so thankful he is going to be okay and that God had his hand on him. We love you Pop!
P.S. Scroll down for pictures of Vin on the now unrideable cycles a few weeks ago.
I'm so glad to hear that Jason's dad is okay. Praise God that He is constantly watching over us!! I hope he recovers from his wounds quickly. I'm sure he'll be out on his "cycle" in no time.
How AWFUL!!!
I hope his healing process is going quickly.
I'll be sure to warn my new motorcycle man to be very cautious of those left turners!!!
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