First ride of the day
Belly shot of Vin and I waiting in line for the second ride.
"This thing moves!"
And the terror begins.
Waiting in line for the Merry-Go-Round
It's hard to believe we've been in Pittsburgh for two years now and that this was our third Pittsburgh company picnic at Kennywood. The first year I was 12 weeks or so pregnant with Vin, last year Vin was 5 months and pretty miserable the entire time (if you remember the blog post he was exhausted). So this year we were looking forward to actually riding some rides with Vin and having a good time. Unfortunately, things didn't quite turn out as we hoped.
Vin rode three rides before he was DONE with rides. The first ride Jason took him on he moderately enjoyed. Then I took him on a baby type of roller coaster - he enjoyed this ride until the speed picked up and then he kept saying "All done!" "Okay?" "All done!" Okay?" Little did he know that Mommy did not control when the ride was over and he had three minutes of torture ahead of him. Then we hit the Merry-Go-Round in hopes that Vin would perk up since he loved the Merry-Go-Round at Idlewild. Once again he enjoyed it until it started and then he was less than enthused.
After we decided to try to get Vin to nap by giving him milk and then walking him briskly around the park while he relaxed in his stroller. It was a hot day and I quickly became overheated (it doesn't take much these days). So we tried to find a quiet place to sit so Vin could nap and I could rest. It wasn't so easy finding a quiet place in a amusement park (the nerve). So we kept walking and walking and walking. Then the contractions began. They started out mild but within 10 minutes they were strong enough to bring tears to my eyes and the walking came to quick halt. I had contractions for a good hour and they were right on top of each other. I didn't have contractions like that with Vin until I was in labor. They finally stopped and we were able to "enjoy" the rest of our day at Kennywood. We had to stay until 3:00 for the mandatory Bingo with co-workers. We left the park shortly after that was over.
And so here's to next year and to hopes that maybe we will be able to enjoy the company picnic a bit more.
Hey Sis you look beautiful. We miss you guys a ton.
Mandatory Bingo?! Unreal... I'm so glad you are feeling better. Hopefully next year will be better. :)
This park needed to be a water park, everyone looked over-heated. Glad your feeling better.
Love Mom
I wish I could tell you I have good memories of Kennywood but I would be lying ! I find little pleasure in paying to be thrown around randomly !!
Y'all look great though !!
I'm praying for you sweetie, you take it easy and if there is anything I can do from stupid NJ let me know :-( I love you Lori
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