Tim and Amy
Hello blogger people,
This past weekend we went up to visit our friends Tim and Amy who were camping at Ohiopyle. We had initially planned to camp the weekend with them but two things got in the way: 1) leaving Vinny for two nights (I'm still nursing so this makes leaving him difficult. After I posted that entry last month about being done breastfeeding I was able to get some great advice from a doula who helped get us back on the breastfeeding track.) 2) Jason is not a huge camping fan. And if I'm being honest the thought of public showers doesn't thrill me either. So we went to visit Tim and Amy for the day on Saturday and enjoyed the best parts of camping: hiking, the campfire, and smores.
Too cool, beautiful scenery. Vin is getting to the cooler stages of being an infant. I'm guessing he doesn't cry as much, enjoys looking at things a little longer, having different reactions, which can be hilarious. LOOOVE it, and it only get's better. Love Lori
I am soooo with you, Di! Just stick your big toe into the camping experience, then right back out again before the mosquitos can get to it :-D
By the way, you guys are one happening Fam - Reinactments, camping, the shore - always on the go! And there's cool Vin just a soakin' in everything with his big, beautiful eyes and amazed smiles. Blog on, Jellos!
Love & hugs,
Amen Sister! I keep hopin and a prayin' that I'll be able to dodge the campin' bug with 4 boys in the house. I keep telling them to set up the tent out back and I'll fix 'em all meals from inside! Sounds good to me.
Oh, Jello, just in case you don't check back at my 1st comment siting, here's our blog address: http://the5ncshays.blogspot.com/
check us out anytime and often!!
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