So last weekend (10/6) we went to a civil war re-enactment here in PA. Jason's step-dad is a civil war reenacter and so we were thrilled to finally be able to see him in action. Aside from the one million degree weather it was a fun day.
The North
Things pretty much went as expected with the South loosing. Here they are retreating.

Grandpa B's tent. I believe they camped out two nights.
Vin really wanted to get his hands on his Grandpa's gun.
Nice pictures!
Lil ruff on the south where you were born ain't ya sonny?
Just so you know...we've encountered many southerners that are still salty about losin' them there battles! They keep threatening that the south will rise again. In fact, they do not refer to it down here as the Civil War. It is the War of the Northern Aggression. sigh...
I am PROUD to be a transplanted happiest of times have been right here in the gorgeous town of Savannah GA. The friends I have here, the gorgeous town and the islands...PEACE reigns...sadly THAT war has been OVER for years...some folk jes' like a reason to remember bad things... and no on wins at war...all lose...
I remain,
Vinnie's peace lovin' Ga. Grama (Kelly) xoxo
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