Vin and I went on a long vacation to Savannah, GA to visit Jason's Mom and baby Sis and then up to NC to visit my Mom & Dad and Brother and Wife and Kids and... I think that's it. We did a combination of flying and driving and Vin did excellent through it all. We had such a wonderful time it was hard to come home.
Dad saying goodbye and giving last minute instructions to Vin before our flight.
This is a pic of Vin on the plane ride down.
Meeting his Grandma Kelly for the first time. He was still making silly faces at his Aunt Panda in this picture.

Aunt Panda (Amanda). She is going to hate that I published her Panda name on this blog. Sorry Sis.
Sleeping with his beloved Gymbo the clown. We hate this puppet but Vin is enamored. He fell in love with it from his Gymboree classes. I think Gymboree brainwashed him.
Bonding time with Grandma

First meeting of Aunt Panda. I don't know how this picture ended up down here but this is where it will stay.

Now we are in NC.

Uncle Mitch driving the boat and Mackenzie helping out.
MumMum Mitchell and two of her grandaughters: Mikayla and Mackenzie
PopPop Mitchell

This in on the way home after a long day at the lake. You can't see it in this picture but Vin and Madilyn were also asleep.
Vin and his cousin Madilynn.
MomMom and Mackenzie.

Aunt Andrea with a sleeping Madilynn strapped on.
