Dad and I got the chance to go to an Eagles game on 12/20. Yes, it was cold and yes, we were in the nosebleed, crazy drunk from tailgating for hours, loud, obnoxious, fan section but it was AWESOME! Five minutes into the game a 49'ers fan decided to stand up and start talking smack to the entire section. He began to get pummelled with snowballs and verbal assaults that would make a trucker blush. But he kept talking because he was drunk or because he had a death wish. It became evident that the he was about to get physically assaulted so security scurried up and quickly escorted him out of the section. That was great. I have to say I really enjoyed soaking up the local flavor. I miss Philadelphia.
During the second quarter we decided to go and get some food and hot chocolate. We thought maybe the movement would warm us up a bit. Wrong! The wind was whipping through the open corridors in a way that the cold we felt at our seats seem pleasant. It was almost unbearable to wait in line for food but we did and we made our way back to our seats with our hot chocolate (it was so cold, beer was unthinkable). And having learned our lesson there we remained for the rest of the game. We even stayed put during halftime.
And then after the second half the snowballs began to fly. I think it was a combination of being frozen and bored (at this point the Eagles were winning handily). It's like the entire stadium went wild and just started throwing snowballs. The first targets were 49'ers fans and then the security guards and then they started hitting the cheerleaders. Terrible and wonderful. Not very many reached them but enough were the squad on our side of the stadium had to retreat until the snowball fight was over.
After the game we grabbed dinner at the Oregon Diner. What a great night.
1 comment:
that sounded like a memory maker for sure!!! glad you got to go with your dad =)
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