Christmas Eve was just perfect. Jason took Vinnie on the train into work with him and I followed late morning on the ferry (less transfers to negotiate making it easier with the small one). Luca loved the ferry ride up and was running up and down the aisles like a made man. I had my hands so full with him toppling over left and right, going stairs he shouldn't and making a break for the ferry deck that I couldn't take any pictures.
We met up with Jason and Vin at the lobby of his building and after a few security processes made our way up to his floor. It was wonderful to meet his co-workers and finally put faces to names. Around noon we headed up to the AIG cafeteria where Santa was waiting to terrify (I mean delight) all the kiddos who dared sit on his lap.
When we got up there we saw the line was wrapped around the floor so after asking Vinnie a shamefully leading question - "Vin do you want to wait in this long line to see Santa or do you want to go eat chicken nuggets and french fries?" Of course, he wanted french fries. So before he could change his mind we quickly took the elevator back down the ground floor and went searching for a kid appropriate restaurant in lower Manhattan. Not such an easy feat. Since his building is right smack in the financial district the target audience is professionals not toddlers.
The restaurant we found wasn't exactly kid friendly but it since it was Christmas Eve there weren't many patrons we could offend with our little unsophisticated guests. All and all the boys did well. We had to clear half the table since Luca kept grabbing anything within his reach and then tossing it on the polished concrete floor. The first time Luca threw something the kind businessman sitting behind us picked it up and with a "I love kids" smile he handed it back to him. After the fourth time, however, this man's smile turned into the "Can't you control your kid lady? smile. So poor Luca was left sitting in his highchair with not a single object within his reach. How boring. But he handled his seclusion and resulting frustration like the sweetheart he is.
Then we were hit with our next challenge. This fancy Italian restaurant did not have french fries or chicken nuggets. Oh man. Vinnie was devastated and sat there with the longest face I've ever seen him put on. After a few minutes, this, like many other childhood disappointments, quickly passed and he was back to enjoying the day out in NYC with his folks.
After lunch we started our walk over to the ferry. On the way we stopped at good old DD to get some coffee. Our ferry was leaving at 1:20 so when we strolled up to the ferry dock at 1:05 and our ferry was boarding already we were surprised, but happy. We knew after a full morning the "witching hour (where the kids melt down from being tired" as I so lovingly call it was soon to arrive). We smiled at each other with self satisfaction as our ferry pulled out of the dock at 1:10. We even got to leave early. This was great! Then we passed the statue of liberty and I said to Jason "Boy, we are really close this time. On our way up the Statue was far off in the distance." We shrugged our shoulders. Oh well, I guess this is another good turn for us. Then the ferry pulled up to Port Liberte (said with a snotty accent) and everyone on the ferry (except us) got up and exited. Crap. We took the wrong ferry. Doy! What was even worse is that we spent $40 to take this wrong ferry to Port Liberte (a ten minute ride) only to have to take it back to NYC and then get on the right ferry to Belford.
Of course, we missed the 1:20 ferry we were supposed to take and had to wait an hour for the next ferry. Fortunately, they didn't charge for additional tickets and we sailed to Belford without an issue. When we reached the car at Belford we were all tired and ready to relax. Then we realized Jason's work bag was missing. Yes, missing. Left on the first ferry to Port Liberte (said with a snotty accent). To punctuate this loss let me layout the bag's inventory: our portable dvd player- priceless as far is parental sanity is concerned. $350 of gift cards. $290 monthly train pass. And the thing I was most upset about??? All of our kid Christmas DVDs that I was so looking forward to watching with the boys that night.
Silly women I am. I was mad at Jason and so I let him have it. "How could you just leave your bag somewhere in NYC?" "How could you be so irresponsible?" "Squawk squawk squawk!". I'm such a jerk sometimes. It took me awhile to realize how wrong I was and I apologized and felt terrible for giving him such a hard time about it. I mean, come on last year I locked the keys in the car with our kids in the car on a hot day! The cops had to come and break the car open. Really, that was way worse than leaving your work bag on a some ferry.
Christmas miracle - later that night Jason called and someone had turned the bag in and when Jason picked it up the following Tuesday everything was in it!
That night the kids opened up their gifts from Grandma Kelly and Aunt Panda.
All and all, even with the bumps and scrapes, a perfect day.

Jason's cubbie

Just look how tired Vin looks in this picture. And this is BEFORE the later disappointments of "no french fries at fancy restaurant" "taking the wrong ferry to Port Liberte (snotty acent), and finally "no frosty the snowman or rudolf to watch that night" Builds character, right?

Bringing the precious DD. In hindsight, there should have been a shot of kahlua to help us get through the rest of the day's events.
Look at those poor suckas. They look so happy. They have no idea they are on the wrong ferry.
You are on the wrong ferry! Stop smiling!

At least Luca fell asleep for a bit

After we realize the mistake we made.
Luca enjoying Meerkat Manor

Vin opening "Chuck the Talking Truck" with Grandma Kelly listening via phone. Of course, he loved it. I mean a talking truck - what kid wouldn't love that. Thanks Grandma Kelly!