I heard about a local playground/sprayground so I decided to take the boys to check it out. We three had a blast! They don't charge to get in so I was thinking it was going to be a few hoses hooked up to busted up sprinklers with maybe a slip-n-slide thrown on the concrete for good measure. I was very surprised by what we found...
They had a very nice regular playground as well.

The ever cautious Vin checking things out before he jumps in.

Still not sure...

Now we must do a few laps around the perimeter...
Assessing the clientele...
Okay, foot check, perimeter check, and clientele check all came back negative. Now it's okay to play.
such an awesome park to have closeby especially in the summer when it's hot!!!
Noo Way! That's sooo cool!
That is the coolest thing ever, so neat, we will have to come play in your sprayground. Christina would do the whole system check with Vincent too, she's also very cautious and likes to stand back and assess the situation. Nothing wrong with that, some jump in and ask questions later ;-) Love Lori
Dang It...I just paid 120 bucks to take the girls to the same freakin thing and drove 2 hours and spent a fortune on food and dealt with a mass of humanity and you did it for free! No wonder NJ taxes are so stinkin high...most have been apart of the stimulus plan or something! Glad you guys had a good time. Love you nephews...Uncle Mitch
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