I think we can say that Vin is now well adjusted to having Luca around. And being back in our old routine has really helped because this week the tantrums have lessened and he is finally back to his sweet self. And much to my relief we are starting to bond again. Since Luca's birth he has pushed me away. I think I shared in an earlier post how for the first few days after Luca and I came home from the hospital he wouldn't even look me in the eyes. It did get better but there was still a strain between us.
For example, when he would fall down and get hurt he would only want Jason to hold him, he would fall apart when Jason went to work, he wouldn't want me to put him to bed, etc. This was both awesome and sad. Awesome, because he and Ja have developed such a strong bond. Sad, because my relationship with Vin was changed. Hey, who said this parenting stuff was easy? But happily things are getting better and as I said we are starting to bond again.
Luca is still an angel baby. I never imagined a newborn could be so pleasant. Maybe it's because we are far less stressed than we were with Vin. I don't know but I'm just really enjoying this time.
He has, however, decided to kick things up a bit in the sleep department. Here's what he was doing: We used to put him in his crib at 9:30, kiss him on his little head, tell him we love him and waltz out of the room. He would fall asleep on his own and then not wake up until his middle of the night feeding at 2:00. After his feeding he would promptly go back to sleep and stay asleep until 5:00 or 6:00.
But for the past two nights he's changed his game plan. Now when we lay him down he puts himself to sleep but then ten minutes later he is wide awake in his crib. Once we pick him up he stops crying and will fall back to sleep in our arms. But then we put him down in his crib and he wakes up again after a few minutes. And so on and so on. Last night this song and dance went on for three hours before he finally stayed asleep in his crib. We kinda expected this since what he was doing before is unheard of for a newborn. Though, I hope he goes back to that soon because it was AWESOME We shall see.

The kids are adorable, but things haven't been the same since the disappearance of the giant butterfly and French music...
kids are sooooo unpredictable...hang in there mama!
I'm glad to hear you and Vin are patching things up :-) Wait until he can beat his little brother up, he'll be thanking you then. Love the pictures and the blog - it makes me feel so close. Love Lori
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