If you haven't been following the news here's a short recap: AIG's stock closed at $4.76 and is currently trading at $2.85 with after hours trading. I was joking around that we should trade in our almost worthless stock certificates for confederate bonds as the paper would be cooler. This is the same stock that was $70 a year ago as the company boasted of being the world's largest insurance company. Now they are not even the largest insurance company in the US. They were downgraded last night which could prove to be the last straw for the once invisible giant.
For us it's not the short term challenges that we are most disappointed by, though they are not something to easily dismiss - we have a baby on the way, we are in Pittsburgh, which doesn't exactly have a booming job market, and if AIG does fail the market would be flooded with insurance talent. But more importantly it would be the loss of the long term stability that AIG offered us - benefits, a promising retirement (pension, 401K), job stability and unlimited career opportunities.
Ja and I were discussing this morning what a great reminder this is of how little control we really have over our futures. It's one of those things that we "knew" but the reality of it didn't really sink in until something came along and rocked our well laid plans. A line from one of my favorite hymns keeps popping in my mind "My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness; I dare not trust the sweetest frame, but wholly lean on Jesus’ name." And how much less is AIG and our own talents and abilities to provide than Jesus' name. While anxieties may very well creep in if Jason does end up loosing his job, right now there is a blanket of peace in our household.
Philippians 4:5b-6
The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.
Enough of that stuff now on to some recent pictures!
Two Sundays ago we had the pleasure of spending the day with our nieces - Savannah and Lexi
"Whatcha got there Aunt Missi?"

"A lollipop (or b-bop as Vin calls it)!" Now Vin runs around saying "Missies, b-bop!"
Our non-climber finally figured out how to climb up on the chair. His inspiration: the construction vehicles working out in front of the house.
Amen sister. well said...also enjoyed the picks. last one is my fav.
i just heard of AIG's predicament today on the news...and you are right...our hope is built on the solid rock of Jesus Christ!! Keep standing on the Word sister and God will provide ALL of your needs!! Love ya!
I really appreciate you sharing your thought process and especially for pointing out that great hymn. What a great reminder~ "all other ground is sinking sand..." You guys are in our prayers as you deal with these uncertain times.
You guys are in our prayers, what a scary thing to go through. Although it seems we are far away your family is always here for you, no matter what. Your faith will get you through, stay strong.
Love Lori
When Pop was in the hospital, I sang that song constantly. It almost made me cry to see you quoting it here as well. "When peace like a river attendeth my soul; when sorrows like sea billows role; whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say; It is well, it is well with my soul."
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