We made our big move this past Saturday. Pictures and curtains still need to go up but we are pretty much settled. We had a bunch of friends helping us so the move went quickly and was pleasant. I had been working on moving stuff (small stuff) over all week so I had the kitchen, bathroom, playroom, and Vin's room all set up before our big move on Saturday.
Jason picked up Vin's new mattress Friday afternoon. Vin was very excited about it and kept yelling "Vinnie's Bed, Vinnie's Bed!!!" Friday night we put him down in his new bed and explained he had to stay in his bed and go to sleep (ha, ha). We went downstairs and after a few minutes we heard the pitter patter of little feet running around upstairs and squeals of delight. So we proceeded to go upstairs, put him back in his bed and told him it was time to go to sleep and no more getting out of bed. This happened two more times before we decided to gate off his room. (he already knows how to open the door). Then we heard him crying at the gate and we decided to give him a few minutes to figure things out. 20 minutes later we checked on him and he had climbed in his bed and was fast asleep. Later that night before we went to bed we checked on him and he had rolled halfway off the bed but was still sleeping (pictured above). He slept through the night with no problem. The next night was even easier and now he's sleeping in his bed like a true big boy.
I will post some pictures of the house later today.
What precious pictures! I really can't get over how much he's grown. Congratulations on making it through these two major transitions! You give me hope. :)
LOL! That is sooo cute! The little fighter gave up the fight. hee hee
What a big boy!!!! So proud of him and happy for you both in the smooth transition. He is so good to have handled that new freedom so well; I can't even IMAGINE trying this out with Madilynn. She'll probably stay behind bars for quite awhile:)
That's a real accomplishment. We plan on leaving our kids in their cribs until they're five or so. Good for you Vin.
congrats on the move! way to go vinnie on moving to the big bed! love those pics...so cute!
Oh my Gosh !! That is adorable ! Thanks so much for giving us an "inside" look when we are far away !! So intimate and full of love !! god bless you precious kids !
Ga Grama
There are the cutest pictures. I have no idea what makes kids roll around like that. Ariel even does that when she falls asleep in our bed she ends up completely horizontal and halfway hanging off. We are so happy to hear the move went well and that things are settling in. Hope you are feeling well. Only 96 days or less away!!!! Are you ready for #2??? Love you all! xoxoxo, Love, MJ
I am so proud of Vin and you guys too of course, that sounds like the easiest transition ever. I waited until Christina was 2 1/2 so I cheated, and she's such a good kid, she still doesn't get out of bed without calling me. So she get's to sleep in a semi-bunk bed. Congratulations sweetie, that's a big step. Love Lori
VIN I knew you could do it!!! There maybe many nights off the bed but, he looks comfy. Love, Mom MOm
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