Vin turned 7 months today! Here's what he's up to lately: 1) Has become quite a good mimicker - will mimic us when we use the baby sign for milk, make a clucking sound with our mouths, or when we clap our hands. He still hasn't figured out how to stick his tongue out and gets very frustrated when we do it and he can't. 2) Has learned that when he drops a toy we pick it up and has a ton of fun sending us scrambling 3) Babbles da da and ba ba and sometimes throws in a ah-goo 4) is finding a lot of things funny these days 5) still very very far from crawling!! 6) no teeth yet 7) has finally learned not to stick toys all the way down his throat and thus has greatly reduced the amount of meals he "returns". I'm not sure why I numbered these. Kinda looks ridiculous. Oh well. I'm posting it anyway.
Oh, and sadly we are officially done breastfeeding. After consulting with the pediatrician and lactation consultant it became evident Vin just didn't want to nurse any longer. He's always preferred the bottle, but up until now I've been able to entice him to nurse. Because of the constant battle it never was the positive emotional experience I thought it would be, but I am still disappointed to let it go. I wasn't ready but Vin was.
WOW! I cannot believe he is 7 months! That's over half a year!! Michael says he's catching up to Ada... Unbelievable how fast the time is flying.
That is soo cool that he can mimic you signing for milk! Way to go Vinzy! He just is soo cute you guys- i love that toothless smile of his!
It is soo awesome that you got to breastfeed as long as you did! I know it must be really hard to give it up, but you are doing what is best for both of you, which is what is important. I'm dreading the weaning process - I'm glad I'll have you to go to for support when it's time.
I know... sniffle sniffle. I woke up today and decided that I would try and pump every two to three hours to see if I can get my supply back up so I can at least give him some breastmilk via the bottle. I guess I just can't let it go yet. Sigh.
I know, I know... tough to stop. I'm still pumping. Do you know how many calories that burns?! You can eat anything you want. How do you think I've kept this svelt figure all these 50+ years?
Love you, Di. Vin's such a cutie!
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