We are all nice and settled in our new place now. Moving was a major pain but then when isn't it? In other news Vin turned six months last week. He still doesn't enjoy tummy time so I think crawling is a long long way off. He can hold himself up in a standing position if he really puts his mind to it - same thing with sitting up by himself. We are really enjoying his blossoming personality and interaction skills. Makes us want three more. No, not really but it is a lot of fun having him around.

This is a shot of Vin hanging out with Grandpop Berner at his work. His Grandpop is the Chief of Maintenance for Heinz' corporate jets.

Holding himself up while playing with his favorite toy.

Showing off his new skill - he can stand all by himself (with the couch's help, of course)

I just love how he has to keep his arms out for balance.
OHHH MY GOSH....he get's more adorable every time I see him and standing.....what the? He's going to be one of those babies to skip right over crawling, that's for BABIES, hee hee!! I love it and good job on the DNA there guys he's precious!!
Love Lori
Dia, is that teeth I see coming in in his wide open gorgeous smile? Love Lori
OMW! He just keeps getting more cute - how is this possible - I ask you?! ADORABLE!
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