We had a lovely Easter. Vin experienced his first church service, which he slept through. After church we headed over to Grandpop and Grandma Berner's place for dinner. Vin received his first Easter basket and met his Great Grandma Pisor.
Vin's first Easter basket. Thanks Grandpop and Grandma Berner!

Great Grandma Pisor and Grandpop Berner

Vin snoozing on Grandpop's shoulder.

This family stuff is tiring.
Glad to hear you guys had a fun easter with the fam! Vin is such a sleeping cutie with that salute pose! Love the outfit and matching socks! :)
Good for you guys - heading out to church. That's such scary territory, I know. The 1st time my mom dared take me, I was about 3 (Catholic church). and I broke away from my aunt and went screaming up the long aisle yelling, "MINTS! THEY'RE GIVING OUT MINTS!"
Needless to say, didn't get to go again for a while :-D Anyway, Vin's
so stylin' in his adorable plaid outfit. Such a doll.
Love you guys. Happy Easter & looking forward to some spring weather soon, eh?!
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