Oh my word, I had no idea how painful teething could be but Vin sure is letting me know all about it. Motrin and
Orajel aren't the miracle cures they were when he got his other teeth in. I think it's because he is getting in molars and they seem like they are WAY more painful. Vin likes to teeth in multiples so not only is he getting his top molars but he also decided to start on his bottoms as well. His gums look like a war zone and he's been very clingy. He can't eat and isn't sleeping well (maybe he's in love, ha ha). Oh, please little molars please come in already and stop the madness.
So to take our minds off of teething troubles we went to the Carnegie Science Center with Isaac and Amy Wednesday morning and then to
Chuckie Cheese with our
Gymboree friends in the afternoon. I thought the kids would be kinda young for
Chuckie Cheese but they loved it! Here are some pictures from our time there.
Carnegie Science Center - these were taken with my cell phone so the quality isn't great
Isaac and Vinnie

"Yeah, I'm soaked.
Whatcha looking at?"

Sweet Isaac

Using the funnel to dump even more water on his head

Sheer water madness
Chuckie Cheese

"Who is this Barney character and why is he in my face?" Vin did not take his distrusting eyes off of Barney the entire ride. I think he kept expecting him to do something.
Zoey and Vin playing the toddler version of ski ball

"Now the secret to this game is..."

Having a blast throwing with Ella. They were surprisingly good. That is, until the end when they decided to start throwing the balls everywhere including at their Mommies and innocent bystanders.

"Mommy my teeth hurt!"

"And I don't like this ride."

Riding the carousel with Maddy and
Those darn teeth again!