I just had to share this with you bloggers. Somehow I stumbled across a list on some blog that gave a list of 1000 books you must read before you die. At the top of the list was Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro. Never heard of the guy but I thought what the heck. I went to the library and checked it out that day. Well, I LOVED it. I have since also read his The Remains of The Day. Wow! I have never read a book where the subject is so utterly unremarkable but I was still engrossed until the very last page. For example, The Remains of The Day is about an English butler - a topic that I found very uninteresting but once I began reading I was captivated. The book was void of any sensationalistic or dramatic events and free from flowery descriptions or romantic imagery, so I can't quite put my finger on how the author managed to hook me so well. I think Ishiguro could write about a trip to the grocery store and it would be a page turner.
Ishiguro's writing reminds me of our friend Gunz, who can tell a story like no one else I know. I think Gunz could tell a story about any part of his day and it would be fascinating. He's the kind of storyteller that you just want to kick back with a cup of cocoa and listen to. Hmmm..maybe you should be a writer Gunz. Anyway, I am going back to the library tomorrow to check out another book by Ishiguro. Hopefully, it will follow suit.
For those bloggers who don't care about my Reading Rainbow book review and just came here to see pictures of the kiddo, I threw on a picture of Vin chasing the cat.