Saturday, December 29, 2007
Museum Day
Play Date!
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Christmas Pics!
Dads and their kiddos (note: they did NOT want to pose for this picture)
Autumn and Vin
I love this pic - Ada was "talking" to Vin. Vin was very confused.
Becoming a little ham!
Matthew liked him...
Vin did not
Jason Playing Santa
I just love my husband. He played a great Santa at our family Christmast party this year.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
AIG Laughing Baby Bust-a-Gut Commercial
Okay, because it's an AIG (Jason's company) commercial and because it's adorable I had to share.
Another Pittsburgh Day...
Yes, another cloudy day in Pittsburgh. This like our 20th in a row (at least it feels like it). This is pretty much how it will be until Spring. I did some interesting fact checking and here is the low down on stupid cloudy days in Pittsburgh.
Pittsburgh Weather History: Average annual cloudy days in Pittsburgh: 306.
For fun here are cloudy day stats for some of the cities you blogger fans live in:
Average cloudy days in Seattle, WA: 294
Average cloudy days in Philadelphia: 272
Average cloudy days in Wake Forest, NC: 255
Average cloudy days in LA: 219
Average cloudy days in Savannah: 262
Avearge cloudy days in Daytonna: 268
Average cloudy days in Boston: 267
Yeah, we are the winners here in Pittsburgh for the most cloudy days. Just thought I would make you feel better if you are waking up in a city other than this one. And for our Pittsburgh blogger fans - Hang on spring is coming. Eventually.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Where's the Moon? (book: Goodnight Gorilla)
Okay, so this is cool. I just got this book from the library yesterday and Vin started pointing at all the different things in the picture. He would point and I would say what it is. Then I realized he was starting to remember the word connected to the picture. He doesn't know them all but he does know "moon". His little eyes scan the page until he finds it. So much fun! He's starting to understand!!!