Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Tuesday, 3/27

He woke up in the best mood today! When I went to get him out of his crib he turned his head toward me and flashed a huge smile. His good mood continued as I changed him (he even gave a few giggles), and then I put him in his car seat so we could go out and the good mood quickly disappeared. Well, it was nice while it lasted. He has given us very few smiles up to this point so it was such a shock - it's like a completely different baby.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Ideals be darned!

So Vin loves watching TV. Danget! We discovered this about two weeks ago when we noticed he was purposefully turning his head towards the TV. In fact, he actually lifts his head and pushes up on his arms in order to see the TV during tummy time. It's the only thing he will do this for. Stupid TV. I wish kids didn't like it so much, but he will watch it transfixed for about ten minutes which gives me a nice little break in the middle of the day. So out goes the new parent ideal of "No TV ever! Only books and educational toys"; along with many of our other new parent ideals (i.e. no pacifiers, no bottles, no crying etc.).

Here is a pic of the little guy watching. I actually stepped in front of the TV to take this pic and he gave me some heck about it until I got out of the way.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

My gosh! He looks just like Angello in this picture.

Vinz has fully recuperated from his short hospital stay and mysterious fever. The doctor concluded that he was fighting off the flu and was able to do so without developing the full sickness.

We are going through a bit of a rough patch right now. It seems that the little meatball wants to eat ALL OF THE TIME! On Monday he only gave 20 minute breaks in between feedings, which was a bit much to handle. The strange thing is that I know he is really eating since I can hear him swallowing and from his increased diaper output (I'll keep the info on that topic limited as I realize we are probably the only ones interested in his "output" activity). I just keep looking at him and wondering where in the world he is putting all of that milk.

Then yesterday I kind of fought against him and didn't feed him as often and save our hour long walk (it was 66 here in Pittsburgh and somewhat sunny!) we had an absolutely miserable day. I was getting curious about how much this guy was actually eating so last night I pumped and Jason fed him a bottle so we could measure. He ate 5 1/2 ounces, and he was so very happy afterwards! It was like he was a completely different baby.

I couldn't believe it. Considering that, our guess is that he must be going through a growth spurt. And so I've put my mind to be patient and to give him as much as he needs. It's a pain in the butt as it doesn't give me time to do much else with my day but it makes for a happy baby, which = a happy Mommy. Man oh man this breastfeeding stuff is tough. I can't believe women breastfeed when they have other children to care for. There just doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day. Oh well, grow Vinzy grow!

I love this picture! He looks like a mad man.

Friday, March 16, 2007

First Trip to the ER, and All Vin got was a 2 day stay...

Okay, so we just got back from a two day hospital stay with Vincent. I noticed Wednesday morning that he was feeling a little warm so I took his temp. It was 100.1. I waited and took it again at noon and it was 1oo.5 - which I still thought was no big deal. I called the pediatrician to see if it was okay to give baby Tylenol. The nurse told me I needed to either bring him into the office right away or take him to the ER. By the time we got to the doctor his temp was lower. Apparently, a temp of 100.4 or higher is considered a medical emergency for an infant under six weeks of age. She sent us home and told me if his temp goes back up to take him to the ER.

Later that night his temp went back up to 100.9 and so we called the pediatrician who told us to take him to Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh right away, and so we did. They did a barrage of tests to rule out any serious type of infection. We had to witness him getting a catheter, being probed, having multiple iv attempts made on him, having his blood drawn...etc.

He also had a spinal tap done which we did not stay in the room for. Jason verbally sparred with the doctor for 20 minutes about the necessity of having the spinal tap done and the reality of our child being in a hospital for 2 days (among other things). Finally the doctor convinced us it was absolutely necessary in order to rule out meningitis or other bacterial infections. Poor little guy - he cried so hard during the procedure that his face and head broke out in little red spots and he burst a vessel in his eye. By the time they were done with the tests early Thursday morning I can say that our nerves were completely frazzled.

They kept him in the hospital for two days, all the while administering antibiotics through his IV every 8 hours and closely monitoring him to be sure it wasn't a serious infection causing the fever. We both were able to stay with him the entire time (normally they only allow one parent to stay).

We are still waiting on some test results, but the results that have come back have been negative and his fever has subsided. They discharged us this morning on the condition that we would watch him very closely through the weekend. He is doing very well and we are so happy to have him home. Right now he is sleeping soundly with his Dad on the couch, which was just too cute of a moment to pass up without taking a pic.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Madilynn Macrae is here!!!

Our newest niece arrived Sunday, 3/11!! Mom & baby are doing great. Welcome Madilynn! We can't wait to meet you.

Here are some details: Andrea's contractions began at 6:50a.m. Sunday, March 11th, and Madilynn Macrae arrived at 10:12a.m. @ 7lbs. 2 oz. & 19.5 inches long. And once again she did it without an epidural. Three deliveries, zero epidurals - Andrea, you are a pro!

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Video of Nothing


Lifting & Turning Head During Tummy Time


Vin is 1 month 3/9

Vinz was 1 month on 3/9. At his 1 month checkup he weighed in at 8lbs 8oz and 22 inches, which is an increase of 1lb 2 oz and 1/2 inch since his last appointment two weeks ago. Way to go little guy! Other developments: He still hasn’t given us the pleasure of a “social” smile but regularly smiles in his sleep, which isn't nearly as cool but works for now. He has also established a cranky time of day (from 5:00 – 11:00 p.m.) where he demonstrates for us the full power of his lungs. Very impressive Vin, very impressive, indeed – we’re just thrilled (note the sarcasm). Oh well, who wants a passive baby, right? We like challenges… bring it on kiddo.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Swing Time

So he looks miserable but he likes his swing.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Video of Vin "playing" in his chair

He is mesmerized by the light show and he randomly bats at the dangling toys. Thanks Aunt Debbie for this awesome chair. He loves it!

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